How many custom builders/home improvement business do you see only the finished product on? Do you ever see someone’s post or pictures and wonder if they really did that or if it’s someone else’s work?
Well, here you go! Here a a full video of the complete build for this client in the Verandah.
This homeowner had a vision for her Plain Jane pantry door. She sent me a sketch and a color swatch and I went to work.
I built this one out of poplar wood with mortise and tendon joints.
I used a spindle for a galley rail turned on a lathe. The corner brackets are hand drawn, templated, and routed on a router table.
I used a silver mesh screen and Sherwin Williams Kemaqua – Tybee Turquoise for the final touches.

Does your pantry need some love? If so, fill out the form below for an estimate.